Dave Wilson, ESPN Staff Writer 4y

Five of 75 tested SMU athletes positive for coronavirus

NCAA - Other, SMU Mustangs, SMU Mustangs, SMU Mustangs

Five of the 75 SMU athletes who returned to campus this week tested positive for the coronavirus, the school announced Wednesday.

All five athletes were asymptomatic.

The school said that it has implemented contact tracing and that the five students will remain in quarantine for two weeks. They will be monitored via daily telehealth appointments, receive contactless meal deliveries and take online classes.

SMU athletes began returning to campus voluntarily Monday as part of a three-phase plan. They received two tests upon the return to campus, including a diagnostic test to see whether they currently have the virus and an antibody test to determine whether they previously had it. All athletes, coaches and staff are screened daily with a temperature check and a health questionnaire.

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